Sunday, October 06, 2024 Updated With New Unicode v16.0 Emoji

Despite the fact that emoji pickers are built into major desktop operating systems these days -- as well as into some specific apps like WhatsApp and Slack -- I still find myself using my own site for quickly getting a copy of particular emoji characters to paste into prose I'm writing.

As such, I took some time this afternoon to make a small update to to add the few recently-added new emoji characters in the Unicode v16.0 Emoji set, such as "🫩" ("face with bags under eyes").

Additionally -- and probably more notably! -- I noticed that the Unicode Consortium added in this version a bunch of new "synonyms" (descriptor words) for existing emoji. For example, the words associated with the simple "👍" were previously:

  • thumbs up +1 hand

Now, in v16.0, the set of synonyms for 👍 is:

  • thumbs up +1 good hand like yes

Since the search on is powered by these synonym words (plus a few custom additions of my own), you can now search for "like" and 👍 will be included in the filtered search results, for example.


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