Monday, February 28, 2022

Tip: How to easily reorder bullet points in Google Docs

There's an easier way to reorder bullet points in Google Docs than cutting and pasting!

  1. Position the insertion point over the bullet point line you want to move. 
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+⬆ (up arrow) to move the line up, or Ctrl+Shift+⬇ (down arrow) to move the line down.

I’ve found that this works a lot more nicely than cutting the item to be moved, and then pasting the item in the new location in the list (since often, line breaks need to be fixed up after the new item is pasted in).

If you select multiple items in the bulleted list first, then the aforementioned keyboard shortcuts will move them all together, as a group. 

This tip works for reordering or moving regular paragraphs, too, in addition to bullet points.

Want to do the same thing in Microsoft Word? Check out my (much!) earlier post, Tip: How to easily reorder bullet points in MS Word, from 2009!


  1. I tried CTRL+SHIFT+the up arrow and the down arrow but it didn't work. Then I tried ALT+SHIFT+the up and down arrows and it worked as you described.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Jon,

    It seems like now the valid shortcuts are Alt+Shift+⬆ (up arrow) and Alt+Shift+⬇ (down arrow), at least this is what works for me instead the ones with Ctrl.

    Thanks for the tip, and for the link to the MS Word tip, as this was actually what helped me ;)

    Have a nice day!


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