Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Workaround: Trello card shows "Loading..." instead of GitHub PR link

Here's a quick workaround for when you pull up a Trello card with the intention of clicking through to the linked GitHub pull request, but the "GitHub Pull Requests" section of the card stubbornly just displays "Loading...", without ever resolving to the link you're after. (This situation is likely related to a number of HTTP 500 error responses from requests to api.github.com visible in the Network tab of the browser's developer tools.)

Scroll down to the Activity section of the card, and look for the events with the "attached" verb. One of them should include the GitHub PR link.

If you know your GitHub repository's name, you can do a Ctrl+F/⌘+F search for that. The word "GitHub" doesn't actually appear in the text of the activity log item, but the repo name does.

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